Monday, July 28, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

We had a Muffin Tin Monday afternoon tea... I had to wait till the older ones were home from school... I didn't want to do it without them, and I think the little one will enjoy it more with them anyway.

Nutella Sandwiches, banana, trail mix (crasins, cashews, smarties, Pistachios)
Feta Spinach Bacon Quiche, vanilla yoghurt, fruit salad

As it is FREEZING... outside today... we had an indoor picnic!


Jan said...

Can't imagine what cold feels like right now. Really funny to me. Great tin lunch picnic going on. Great ideas.

tiki_lady said...

Oh my goodness this is so cute and fun. My children are older and I know they loved to be served food on different things and containers! Funny, how it is freezing where you are and it is sweltering in the Carolinas.

chelle said...

Great ideas. Love how the girls enjoy it more with everyone there. m

katy said...

YUM! I'm coming to your house for MTM! The quiche sounds delish!

Anonymous said...

As always, I love your tin!

iMother2.0 said...

Cold? It hit 101f yesterday. Ahhh for a bit of cold :)

LOVE your tin!

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