Saturday, January 31, 2009

Guess where I went...

A Lion...

Some clowns (done all by themselves)

and yet another great use for Grandma's knitting skills (5 mins before we leave.. "where is that wig with the colourful hair"? Me - We don't have any wigs!! Miss K "Yeah the totally colourful round one" Me "oh Grandma's beanie! - What a great Idea!"

No Photo of the MR, but he was a Lion Tamer :P Well he can try but I don't think he can tame this Lion :)

WE went to a CIRCUS THEMED 30th Birthday Party. And it was great... My friend had games,her clothesline turned into a tent with hundreds of tealights hanging down, Circus Posters, and even a cardboard food stall.. all too cute!! And this is a lady with 4 kids under 4 (the little babies being twins!!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ball Challenge - unplug your kids

Last weeks challenge at Unplug Your Kids was Ball

Once again I thought we wouldn't have anything to show - with last week of holidays and school starting and all...But now we are back in routine and there is no tv in the mornings during school terms.. the girls had a bit of time on their hands this morning.. we are only 2 days late.. thats ok isn't it??

I saw this lantern idea on the Kids Craft Weekly Newsletter which has a Chinese New Year Theme this month.

And don't they look like balls?? So we did two things at once..

Chinese New Year this year started on 26th January, which is also Australia Day - I am sure the many Chinese Australian's had fun celebrating both days.. lucky for me, Chinese New Year goes for a few days.. so it still counts :) I live very close to our China Town district and each year I want to go down there and check out the celebrations, but always seem to miss out.. I also have an AsianMart on the corner.. maybe I should go check out what Chinese New Year Treats they have??

Cut red card/paper into strips (Now would be a good time to decorate with paint, or glitter before you cut)

Using a hole punch put a hole in each piece at both ends of card

Secure each end with a split pin going through all pieces of paper

Start to 'fan' the paper out

And a round 'ball' lantern shape will appear

Attach to a stick and you have a chinese lantern.. add ribbons or any pretty things

Here is a smaller paper one with a skewer for the handle

Now I just need some Chinese take out and a few more decorations and we will be set!

This Weeks Challenge : Colour

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi

The girls wished for an Australia Day like last 3 years (see here) They were thouroughly spoilt by the YSA when my husband was their bishop...but we ended up closer to home at a local seaside beach (if you can call it that - if it doesnt have white sand.. it isnt a beach in my book :) with just our family.

Getting patriotic at 6am

Me too!

Making patriotic biscuits at 7am
I was gifted a huge amount of cookie cutters from my sister in law (thanks !!) and had a flag cutter!! I thought if I don't use that on Australia day... I will NEVER use it:) And I thought a few of them that didn't turn out looked kinda like Australia (sorry Tasmania!!)

I could not for the life of me do an Aussie flag - so just blue instead.. want a unique idea for cake decorating the Australian Flag? Go to my friends blog here

Hitting the 'beach' at 9am
The clouds kept the raving masses at bay.. but the sun came out not long after and as we left there were people everywhere.. It is just very australian to go to the beach on Australia day!

Into the concrete beach - it is filled with sea water and sand and even algae, but is shallow and has no waves.. it is right next to the beach the older two's heads are dots in the middle

The Pier

What beats watermelon on Australia day?

I had to take this photo for my american readers and especially for Frumpy!! They exist people - AMERI-STRALIANS ? AUSTRALI-CANS ?

We ended the long day watching...


phew what a long day.. and all this on the last day of school holidays.. I am surprised we made it to school the next day!!

First day

The weather may have been gloomy

But my feelings were not


It's back to school - wahooo!!

First day back means new bag, shoes, hat, lunchbox

I do love my kids... I do love having them home with me..really I do :) But these summer holidays were very difficult for me and boy am I glad they are back to school :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life ~ John 8:12

Thursday, January 22, 2009

10 years

Our 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up soon.. WHAT TO DO?

Here is some 10 year info from the net

The tenth year of marriage celebration is the first of the major milestone anniversaries. As you celebrate this special 10th wedding anniversary, think about the durability of your commitment to one another for a full decade.

10th Anniversary Traditional Gift:
Tin or aluminum. The pliability of tin and aluminum is a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken.

10th Anniversary Contemporary/Modern Gift:
Diamond jewelry. A marriage that lasts ten years is as durable and beautiful as a diamond.

10th Anniversary Gemstone:
Diamond jewelry or blue sapphire.

10th Anniversary Color:
Silver or blue.

10th Anniversary Flower:
Daffodil. Trumpet-shaped daffodils represent joy, cheerfulness, and happiness.

I probably won't be spending lots of money on a gift as we have two of our children's birthdays in close proximity to the anniversary and we are planning a weekend holiday away as a gift to ourselves (when the planets align and their are not birthdays or baptisms to get ready for and when said busy babysitter 'grandma' is available - the weekend trip might be a few months away :)

Do you think The MR will mind a roll of Aluminium foil for his gift??

leave a comment with your ideas....please!!! (and no peeking MR!!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Balance Challenge - Unplug Your Kids

Last Weeks Challenge on Unplug Your Kids was Balance.

We haven't been keeping up with the challenges on the Summer holidays (that doesn't even make sense since we now have all the time in the world ??) but got back into the swing of it this week. I was hoping to make one of those balancing birds.. but the girls weren't intersted and chose their own things..

Miss A wanted to "balance" up in a tree

Miss K wanted to "balance" a balloon on her finger - and she did good, even on her nose, but my photography skills were too 'slow' to catch it all

Miss G is all into making playdough balls, over and over and over again, so I chose this as her 'balancing' feat.

Sorry for the cropped photos but my kids are constantly minus their clothes in Summer while at home.. it makes it hard to capture photos of random things they do that can be posted on the internet..

This Weeks Challange : Ball

Friday, January 16, 2009

Prayers Answered

Over the past year I have had the privilege to pray on the behalf of many bloggers. I have learnt alot from this. I even had a little personal crisis at the beginning of December but I couldn't bring myself to put in on the blog to ask others to pray for me.. but our immediate family did and our prayers were answered!! However I am really feeling the results from Collective prayer.. not only for the persons needing the prayers, but for the people participating, lives are changed even sometimes more than the person needing the prayer!

No real person I know has asked me to pray for them this year but many of my blogging buddies have.. or even people whose blogs I stalk who don't even know me!!

Lots of Prayers for NieNie after her plane crash and critical burns recovery
Prayers for Frumpy during her Brain tumour (though she is a real life friend she moved to the other side of the world.. so now she is a bloggy friend ;)
Prayers for Crazy Lady at Road 80 and her daughter when her daughters teacher passed away, then her best friend and then their family dog - What a tough year for Mattie!
Prayers for Chasing Cheerios during a miscarriage
Prayers for Carli's Clan's brother stuck in Fiji during recent floods while he attempted to make his way home from his mission

Even though many of these were heart wrenching irreversible trials, the collective prayers in each case were heard. People were healed, made it home and hearts touched.

I have shed many tears as I hear of answered prayers via peoples blogs... it makes me want to pray for others more... so my listeners... you may leave a comment as anonymous... but does anyone out there have something they need prayers for??

I would love to pray for you! Let's get praying for eachother!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kids these days

Why no blogs?? I feel like I haven't been on here forever.... KIDS is the reason..

My kids are just too smart and take over the computer. I may regret introducing the kids to some of the cartoons I grew up with.. A while back I showed them on YouTube a few Smurfs, Gummi Bears, Snorks episodes.. now my 7 year old knows how to google youtube, search for gummi bears and watch episodes.. all day long.. "Gummi Bears... bouncing here and there and everywhere.. High adventures that's beyond compare.. they are the Gummi Bears" All unassisted!! I go off and come back and gummi bears are on... IT'S GONNA BE A LONG SUMMER!!!

and along with a new game that I recommend "crayon physics deluxe" it is a puzzle type game my computer has been taken over (MY COMPUTER... The MR does leave his laptop here, but none of my stuff is on it.. so I have been watching episodes of America's Next Top Model on his instead of blogging and reading you alls blogs.. I *may* have watched a season or two on YouTube... why is ANTM so addictive??)

Here she is in dress up as "Zummi the grandpa gummi bear" who is a magician ( well atleast there has been some non tv games :)

And just for fun..
This summers number one accessory...a fluffy beanie... while naked.. it's all the rage you know!!

Food incrusted face and all

and if you get bored of that one you can switch it up... she just started to love to wear them now winter is long gone :)

*Hats courtesy of Grandma and her knitting skills

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path ~ Psalms 27:11

Perfect advice for a new year

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Soundtrack of my life

What song was #1 the day I was born?
(like my photoshopping skills? - Hey I am still learning)

The darling MR made me a CD of the Number #1 songs for each year of my birthdate - 30songs!! and boy did we have fun dancing to that little soundtrack in our PJ's on my birthday morn.

A little YMCA action for you

If you want to do the same for a loved one, google number one song for July 9 1985 (insert date) within your country (or you will get the american top songs) and then he searched the songs in i tunes and paid and downloaded them. An awesome gift I must say!

Friday, January 9, 2009


My mum treated the girls and I to one of our favourite Restaurants for my birthday - Freestyle Tout.

The girls perused the menu intently even though they always order the same thing - The "Berry Delux Sorbet Sundae"
Big sister says "Your menu is upside down" Little sister says "I can't read anyways silly"

My birthday Cake - The girls sang to me and clapped 30 claps for my age, and one extra to grow up big!

Just Kidding.. I shared :)

My compliment of the day while getting tired doing all those claps, Miss K said "It's OK mum... you still look twenty.......nine" bah ha hah It totally sounded like she was going to say 20!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Banana Caramel Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. The Mr is not eating refined sugars this month, so his cake was itty bitty... these can be eaten in two bites.. and he only had one!! What a good boy.. I know I am not as restrained.. I had 3 of these babies!! YUM!! I LOVE CREAM CHEESE ICING!!

While he is still waiting for his BBQ (that will be his present when we finally get it) he had to be content with hugs and kisses and a bitty cake. What a man.. he didn't mind at all :)

Even though having two birthdays a day apart is financially stupid.. I actually do like sharing our birthdays. Often we go for dinner in the middle of the dates. That is usually our present to each other, some time together as we don't really need any gifts after 10 years together. So it is kinda fun to share a special day!! Another thing to link us together as all parties are refered to as "OUR PARTY" usually.

Actually he asked if I was making another Cake for my birthday.. as I don't feel like it I said I should just take a photo of me with his cake :) I will probably make one in a few days time to take to a family gathering for my birthday... so it can wait... who wants to remember turning 30? baw wa wa wa..

So my Dear MR (I know you read this blog when you should be working ;) who had to work on his birthday - I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE THE BEST... Enjoy getting close to 40!! ha ha ahahah

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Reading this post on cjane I liked how she mention once she turned 30 she could call herself a 30-something for a long time.. I like it...


But I think 30-something is a word to be used in a few years time.. I think it sounds older (like your trying to hide something) than 30.. SO I will stick with "hey I'm 30!" for this year :)or a few more after ;) and use the 30-something after then.

Unfortunately with Christmas just gone, The MR's birthday the day before mine (what the? who has a spouse with a birthday the day before!! steal all my limelight!)and it being Summer and all and everyones away.. I think I will be having a quiet one and maybe I'll celebrate a little down the track.. (my mother always tells me I need to celebrate my half birthday - It was great to have school holidays on my birthday as a kid, but all your friends are away so heres looking at a party in June?)

and gee... I dont feel a day more mature than I did at 20... oh well :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God ~ Romans 10:17

This year I will read, more deeply and better than before, and hopefully develop better faith. My husband is my greatest example and he draws from the well amazingly and shares with me... I want what he has.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

We had a private family simple affaire in our PJ's - well we just didn't know any parties going on.

But here are some warming photos to end the year

2008 was a wonderful year for me... I relaxed and enjoyed and just loved spending time with just one child at home... Lets hope 2009 is equally enjoyable and exciting and may our family learn and grow and become better people.