Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Hardest commandment to follow

Ok Ok so it isn't a commandment, more like advice.. but advice that has come from Prophets, Area Authorities, Stake Presidents and Bishops


I love Lucky Holly's blog.. but its private.. so you all will just have to believe me that it is a cute, honest, uplifting,creative little piece of her heart

A few weeks ago she posted this epiphany she had:
Just now I was thinking about my husbands comment yesterday in gospel doctrine class at church. In essence it was that we need to continue to experience the feelings of the holy spirit and not to rely on our experiences of yesterday.

My thoughts merged in to the fact that it is the same with marriage - love and romance also. To continue to let those loving and romantic experiences take place so that our "testimony" of our spouses love can grow and develop further.

Unfortunately I didn't understand before why we were supposed to go on dates etc. I am not anti date by any means however having a small crowd of children can make it difficult even for the most experienced babysitter. Too much hassle? Don't want to put good friends out.

I get it now, why it's important and all that. Can you have a testimony of dating? Of your own husband that is...?

How could one of the most fun commandments (well ok, "advice") be one of the hardest to keep?? That's just CRAAAZZZYYY!! And no this post is no jest at the MR to take me out more.. .. he already does so much for me on a daily basis...I am just musing... you all following??

Love is like a flower, and, like the body, it needs constant feeding. The mortal body would soon be emaciated and die if there were not frequent feedings. The tender flower would wither and die without food and water. And so love, also, cannot be expected to last forever unless it is continually fed with portions of love, the manifestation of esteem and admiration, the expressions of gratitude, and the consideration of unselfishness.” - Spencer W Kimball)

Now why is going on a weekly date such a hard thing? I am very lucky that we have family who do babysit.. quite often.. but to inflict the children upon them every week (and not to mention the drive out there) is just unfair really... so some sort of exchange thing would be required... I have often dreamed of living in the same street or block as another young church family/friends... I could take their kids every second week and they mine.. so atleast we could go out once a month.... because really who can afford a babysitter?? NOT I says this girl...

of course my children are young.. it would be all the much easier if I knew they would bahave, watch a movie, put themselves to bed etc for the babysitter and not require any actual 'work'.... or old enough to stay up and not be cranky if I had to drop them off to someone elses place..

but that's the problem with these things.. by the time you wait for that... well who knows if the MR and I will have anything to talk about by then ;) (side note.. I often think this about physical activity.. while you wait for all your kids to be able to ride bikes, mountain climb, run with you, swim, snorkle.. etc etc.... ohhh whoops that took 10 years and you are no longer in shape!! wah ha haha)

and of course sometimes we may think our relationship is good...good enough to forgoe those dates.... The MR and I have a GREAT relationship, we msn chat each other quite often during the day (*whoops.. glad his boss doesnt read my blog!), for a few years he worked from home, so we saw each other ALOT! We do catch up each day and chat.. We always say I love you and leave each other with a kiss... but a scheduled weekly date.. well that's just in the too hard basket ;)

actually when he was a YSA Bishop we attended about 2 weddings each month. I really enjoyed that. These became our dates, I have never had so many dates apart from those three years :) we had to find babysitters as usually he had some part in a ring ceremony or the like.... we were reminded at every side what young, fresh, love was.. young couples looking forward to eternity with giddy smiles and love in their eyes...

so dear readers.. any ideas...

A quote I found in the ensign
Just as the dating and courting period serves the very real purpose of helping a couple get to know each other, so do special husband and wife dates serve a very real purpose in assuring that we continue to know one another and grow together

Some Link Love from the Ensign

Cold Gravy or Cherry Pie : Keeping Romance Alive

Q and A - Creative ways to keep dating after marriage

How do I love Thee?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Clothing Challenge - Unplug Your Kids

Last Weeks challenge at Unplug Your Kids was Clothing

As usual the inspiration came totally last minute :) We found some stretchy netting type material (left over from my wedding 10 years ago!! we decorated with about 20 metres of the stuff!!) and decided to make No Sew Tutu's for some of our stuffed animals. I am sure everyone knows about No Sew Tutu's but here is a Tutorial at Kidley if you want to see how.

Get your toys, Tulle (or like material, piece of elastic

Cut into strips and tie strips around the elastic

*My material was quite stretchy and slippery.. I didn't realise how hard it would be for my 6 year old to tie knots (considering all the knots in their skipping ropes, string etc around the house) see her cute tongue sticking out in concentration?
As I side note this made me remember that both my girls don't know how to tie shoelaces!! embarrassing much?? so I think that is the next thing to practice.. they just have never worn laced shoes.. it is so hot here and their school has laxed rules about shoes.. they wear crocs and sandles and that is about it!!

Modelling the animals new Tutu's made entirely by them!!

This weeks challenge : Bottle

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm shy.. Its my first time..

Doing Karaoke that is!!
Those that can't sing.. do Maracca's... I did alot of shaking ;)

Now I can't sing... and people always say... Oh sure you can... people always say they can't sing... umm yeah except that I really really can't sing... Flat, Off Key, Low, Tone Deaf.. these all apply to me... really.. I'm not being modest :)

So I was more than thrilled to be invited to a girls night Karaoke Birthday Party in a Private Room at a Karaoke place.. Actually I have wanted for ages to do this as a date... I'm not that embarrassed to torture The MR's ears!!

Luckily enough for me there was no competition and it was a bit more of a group effort and with 16 voices belting it out, mine was more than easily lost in the crowd... well maybe except for the poor person next to me ;)and all we had to pay was $5 each.

I had a great time... Karaoke anyone?

Friday, February 20, 2009

My very own Baboushka

I laughed to see my littlest one like this at 7am this morning. Her older sisters usually wear scarfs like this. They wet them to keep themselves cool. I laugh each time the older ones do it as they look like the belong to some religious sect ;) I try to show them how to wear scarves the 'cool' way tied up at the back of the head.. but they just don't believe me... they actually like it this way... Lucky they haven't worn them out of the house yet :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009


"...see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.."
1 Peter 1:22

Saturday, February 14, 2009


The MR and I don't do Valentines - with our anniversary the week before there isn't much reason (though go into my archives and see the Surprise I got last year the thought of it is enough to last me this year :)

But I read somewhere about a Dad that always got his daughters flowers for their birthdays and valentines and I thought it was the sweetest ever!! Girls so need reminding that their fathers love them. So last week I saw these fake roses for $1.50at Spotlight and thought they would do the trick.

Today he handed them their flowers and gave them a hug and told them how much he loved them. We went and put some purfume on them so they smelled nice and the girls carried them around, and they will be decorating their room for the next little while!

I know it is too late for a Valentines Craft but I copied this idea from my sister in law who has lots of great ideas as she worked in Child Care for many years.

Put Red or pink food colouring in a cup with a dash of washing liquid and add some water. Using a straw blow lots of bubbles

Like So...

Place paper on top of bubbles

Repeat these steps until the whole paper is covered like this

I think it makes the most beautiful paper!! Like Marbling but without the hassle. I thought this paper would make great valentines cards/hearts and that is what we did

Though this year we didn't give any out. All the AMAZING valentines Ideas on The Crafty Crow make me sad that I haven't done any of them. See my post from last year about Making Cookies to take to school to hand out. I want to add for the few american readers I have that KIDS DONT DO VALENTINES IN AUSTRALIA.. Last year when I took the cookies I recieved a number of strange looks from the parents. A few even asked what I had made them for... Valentines I said... stunned silence from them..... Then Oh you are a nice parent

Here valentines is purely for teens and adults with significant others.. though most long married people I know don't celebrate Valentines.. many feel it is just a commercialised thing...

I will leave you with an experiment I tried.. each time I get the ice out of my Ikea heart and flower Ice Trays I wonder if they would be good as chocolate moulds... so for VDAY I tried it out

I'd have to say that no it didn't work. The rubber/silicone made the chocolate all matte and feel weird.. they didn't look pretty enough to give away.. which didn't bother my girls in the least ;) as there are now none left.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The BEST day EVER - apparently

We started the morning early.. 6am.. lighting the birthday ring and setting out a birthday letter

Requested birthday breakfast food - a doughnut!
She was so excited by this she didn't see her presents sitting right in front of her for over an hour!! This reinforces to me that setting traditions is good for kids.. not once did she demand where are my presents.. and no one eats doughnuts for breakfast in Australia :)I think that was the most exciting part to her!!

Then I spent from 7:30 till school started madly whipping up a birthday crown and #6 Shirt (Yes I should have realised before the day that she would want to wear it to school!!)
She wore the crown all day at school (I was worried she would be embarrassed, and she even wore it on top of her school hat when she had to go out to play!!) I was going to forgoe the crown and shirt, but I am glad she begged for it.. these type of traditions really make the day!!

2:30 A cake at school to share

Then we headed off to an indoor play centre... only to get there and be told it is closing 2 hours early to be fumigated!! (We only been there twice, but that info didn't help my dislike for those indoor playcentres.. ewwwww) But Miss A started to cry.. so the lady let us in for half an hour ( I still had to pay for the priveledge!! - she should have let us in for free!!)

Then to make up for that we went to McDonalds were the girls pronounced TODAY as the BEST DAY EVER!! Which made a lady next to us Giggle.. They girls said we went swimming at school, we had cake, we went to Lollipops (playcentre) and to McDonalds!! I said well only on your birthday do you get so spoilt... then they lamented that only happens once a year.. I said well what about my birthday.. they said.. No mum... adults can't have as much fun.... so there you have it people!!

Ending the day with a sparkling Apple drink (and they begged to relight the birthday ring - Thanks Dad for making it for me.. it makes holidays so special!)


Putting up the Bunting... a party is going on
I totally recommend everyone have their grandma (mother in law) made 50 metres of birthday bunting out of her scrap fabric.. I will never buy streamers again!!

Another day, another cake

An afternoon tea party with friends (elegant aren't they?)

Holy Crow.... get it??

I was recommended by the great Frumpy to read the Twilight series/saga around a year ago.. and who wouldn't trust a recommendation from a Lawyer!!....but I put it off and I had never even heard of it so thought it was an American thing..For Someone who reads a book a week, I know nothing of new authors, whats the hot thing to read at the moment etc.. I just get books from the library....I also have never read or seen a vampire movie in my life.. I don't do scarey movies or books ever.. so that was another thing that put me off.. teenage vampire romance.. NO THANKS.... then everyone who is anyone knows about it and has read it... I never buy books, so had to wait till a generous sister and friend lent my the four books... and dang it I was hooked!! ... Call me a silly teenager...

I love family dynamics type books.. I love the Cullens story.. Edward and Bella and the Cullens were my favourite parts. I loved Alice too.. she had a great character and who doesnt love the DR... I can see why Teens would find attachments to this family as they are *almost* a perfect family. The parents respect the childrens choices (the fact that the are all the same age, might have something to do with this ;) They always back each other up, look out for eachother.. their family is all they have so it means alot to them

What's not to love with Edwards words, desires for bella... I think every fair skinned, freckled, brown haired, slightly klutzy girl fell in love with each page..the way he describes her skin as silk stretch over glass.. etheral beauty... her flushed cheeks... I think it was nice to have what some call "regular looking", dull looking features described in such ways... yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. His ageless words and qualities and the way he sees eternity and being with her would make most people swoon....The book made me reflect on that I do have a partner for eternity and that I am very grateful for this.

First book too repetitive and mushy.. I love edwards lines and quotes.. but how many times does bella have to almost hyperventilate/pass out before I want to throw the book!!

Then the books flip and the second is not lovey/mushy enough... grrrr I want to throw the book again!!

I hate love triangles... they bother me so much.. they love to do that in romance movies and all the soapies on tv.... ANNOYING!!! I like Romance but I dont like back and froing that goes on with Love triangles... Jacob could have been strictly friend/family friend trying to prevent her from turning into a vampire.. but hey where's the fun in that I suppose... except that I want to throw the book!!

Its a shame these were Stephenie Meyers First Books.. I think with a little more practice under her belt this series could be even more amazing, more streamlined and to the point.

I thought for Edwards apparent age and knowledge.. his character should have been smarter.. He has been to every Ivy League school and done medical school twice... a bit more refinement of his character to make it more believable

Now I hear of all these guys thinking whats up with Twilight

Firstly Edward wrote her a FREAKING lullaby... if only I had some young male readers ... go and write your girlfriend a song.. NOW.. right now!! TRUST ME..

and the no sleep thing... I think all the young readers around the world totally swoon at the thought of someone watching over them sleep... someone to be there at all times...just to hold them...twirl their hair while they fall asleep... this is romantic to girls I think

I am so embarrassed to admit how much I enjoyed these books.. I swear I felt like Stephenie Meyer had used Subliminal Brainwashing messages in the text... I couldn't put the books down.. I couldn't stop thinking about the story... I felt like a freak.. I even had dreams about it.. Maybe this is the sign of a good book.. but ewwwww... it gave me the heeby geebies... and to top it off this wanting of more made me look up FAN WEBSITES!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? I could not believe how many twilight sites there are.. go on.. I dare you to google it...

Some funny things I read was that a person was annoyed at how 'MORMON/LDS' the book was by saying why is it all about sin/remorse no sex before marriage, the notion of souls, good/evil etc etc obviously she didnt share Stephenie Meyers religious thought..... then a few comments down someone (obviously LDS) was lamenting how disgusted she was with the books as they are for teenagers and there was definately too much sexual tension for the younger age set. I agree with this one though I think that just Stephenie wrote a book.. I am sure it is publishers and what not other people who decided where it sells in a bookstore.. I don't really recommend they be read by young teens but I can see why they would like it.

I want to do a bookclub... anyone want to come and discuss the finer points of Vegetarian Vampires, eternal love and why we cant get it out of our heads??

I had to include this one as I was telling the MR about how the Vampires glitter like crystal in the sun... I said I saw an icon that said "real men sparkle"... not too long after this conversation in the car The MR bent forward and the sun shone off his bald head.. from the back of the car Miss K says "I cant see.. Dad your head is sparkling everywhere"... WAH HA HAHA...

the MR and I looked at each other and said "real men sparkle"!!!!

Twilight Icons found

Want to relaugh over some twilight quotes?? WEll others have done the work for you at Twilight by listing quotes by book and by character

Holy Crow... by writing this I hope to put my twilight addiction to rest!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

6 years

My middle little girl is turning 6!! She is in grade one this year and has moved up to the "big" school in the room next to her sister. I have seen this idea on other blogs with a photo from each year of their life and wanted to do similar as it has certainly been a fun 6 years with Miss A around!!








I think being the middle of three girls would be hard. Often Miss A falls to her older sister to do things for her. When Miss G was born it was a rough 2 years as Miss A found her spot in the family. She still likes to be loud and make sure her point is seen. But she also worries about everyone, like she needs to keep them all in place, I am constantly telling her to stress less!! Miss A is outgoing, funny, sweet and determined all wrapped up in one little present :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bling Bling

Who wouldn't want a date with this??

I even got the heels out (only for special people :) plus it makes me taller than the MR! These cute peep toes were given to me new never worn by a lovely girl at church.. how sweet!!

My dear husband is so very busy at the moment.. that for our Wedding Anniversary I met him for an extended lunch at the Stamford Plaza for us to celebrate ...the only time available this week...

I caught the ferry and tried to meet him at a prearranged spot.. I felt like a giddy young girl in love again waiting for a date (nowdays we always leave home together when we go on dates, so walking the city in heels, on the lookout for my MR was a treat :)

He was a little late and I don't have a mobile.. I wasn't sure if I was in the right spot.. I laughed that wouldnt it just be like a movie if I was on one side of the hotel at the entrance and he on the other side.. each wondering where the other was!!

I spent my nervous waiting time taking photos for the blog - always thinking of you all ;)

But hey we found each other and sat down to a delicious lunch.. it was so good... Parsnip soup entree and Wagyu Beef and herbed potatoes and veg for main.. IT WAS SO YUM!!
check out this soup... the bowl was HUGE lucky we decided to share.. it was like a Serving Bowl for a whole family, sorry no pic of the beef... it was devine..

IT twas a shame that lunch had to come to an end.. we didn't even have time for dessert...

the only photo of us there.. a little hot from the sun and I ate off all my make up sorry :)

but who needs dessert when one is presented with a gift like this :)

Obviously it is great to have a jeweller in the family!! I might owe my brother in law Rob seriously wonderful christmas gifts for like.. oh the next 20 years!! And all on the pretense that the MR said He was cleaning/maintaining our rings.. which I am glad he did as the new one would not have matched my dulled banged up engagement and wedding ring... THEY LOOKED LIKE NEW!! SO SHINY AND SPARKLELY!! It was like getting engaged all over again

Oh and I have to count it lucky that I got a ring... THE MR always was adamant you had to be married atleast 20 years before you got a eternity ring... I must have worked double hard these last 10 years :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Can you feel it?

Maybe its Valentines day around the corner.. maybe its my wedding anniversary that just passed..(maybe its the darn Twilight Saga Books I have been reading :) review coming soon) but I have been feeling a bit of love in the air

Some of my favourite eye candy from NieNie dialogues is when she changes her mantle with each season.. so I chanelled a bit of inner Nie and decided to decorate my Mantle a bit. See some of Nie's here here here here and here and I even found a nie quote "I believe the Mantle is where it is at" ... who am I to argue.. plus it is my only space for decorating in this tiny house

Please forgive the photo.. it is hard to to fit it all in without glare reflecting off the photos

By setting myself the challenge of decorating with items I already had.. I realised I don't have much red or pink in my stash.. or a much of a stash at all...

But here we have a Cross Stitch of the Temple I was married in (my first and only cross stich I will ever do!!), A pic of me and The MR, a pink Ikea vase with red flowers from my yard (love those flowers, you can't kill em no matter how you try :) a vase full of fabric stuffed hearts, a pic of my 3 favourite girls in their pink dresses, and a Christ and little boy hugging statue, and above are my baboushka's, an angel embroidered pillow I made, and a Families are Forever heart made by my sister in law.. and a bunch of cardboard hearts cut out by me and blu tacked on!!

Can you feel it?? Feel the love!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


..But be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God - Romans 12:2