Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9th Wedding Anniversary

9th Wedding Anniversary.

As Ken is very busy with work and church commitments he made me a nice dinner on the Monday night ( A night guarenteed that he would be home) before our anniversary on the Tuesday 5th February

I am so grateful for a wonderful husband. He is such a darling and funily enough not the same person he is in public. I am lucky enough to know the real Ken and how devoted he is to his family. This is a picture of the present I made.

9 years down, hopefully 50 more to come.

I love you Ken.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I love the present you made, beautiful!

  2. Congratulations! 9 years is awesome! And I am SO EXCITED for you to be on blogger - I can't wait for all the frequent updates!!!!

  3. Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary!! You certainly deserve all the happiness there is - you are a great family!!

    Happy Blogging!

    Love Alicia


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