Thursday, April 3, 2008


We got the candles out for Earth Hour (For all you infidels that didn't take part you were meant to have all electical things off for one hour from 8pm-9pm on the 29th of March)

....and it reminded me how much I love candlelight. So tonight while Daddy played monopoly with the kids I took some candles to my bathroom and had a shower by candlelight...

It was sooooooo relaxing... there is just something about candlelight

So to all my readers - go spoil yourself with something inexpensive, yet relaxing...

YOU deserve it.


  1. Thanks for the reminder - this is a good idea and it is very relaxing and cheap - a requirement around our house!!

  2. Hi Bobbie, I love candle light too. It's the only way I like to be naked. I look awesome in its near darkness, I just wish I could go to the beach in candlelight. Karyn


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