Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Hair Victories

Her hair is long enough for a pony tail - No more strangers asking if she is a boy!! YAY! Now I just gotta teach her to sit still enough to have it put in - I have only been successful twice in getting it up!


  1. Awww I can't wait to do my girls hair :) If she's anything like Xander, she'll be bald till she's three!! lol

  2. oh yes... and when they have hair long enough, they hate to have it done - as they are not used to it... friends babies who were born with long hair, have clips and bands in at an early age, are used to it.... then you just have ratty looking children until they want their hair done - took till 5 years old for anika!!

  3. That is so cute. It is a lot funner when they actually have some hair to work with. Good effort mom.

  4. This is gorgeous, what a beautiful colour hair she has. Keep in mind Bobbie that as her Auntie who was also very bald and blonde for 3years I'm now full of big curls. I heard an old wives tale that baldy toddlers end up having curly hair - to die for! love Karyn XX


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