Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Building a Dome

we made this Newspaper Hut by pepper paints and it was a lot of fun. I rolled a few of the rolls while the kids were at school so it would be ready to go when they got home. You need A LOT of newspaper for this. I made the mistake of going to buy the monday paper (too thin) and so I bought 2...still wasn't enough!! so I raided my neighbours paper bin and got her Sunday Paper - so ask around for paper before beginning this craft.

Go to Pepper's website for the instructions it is very easy to make, once the paper is rolled it comes together in 15 mins. If you have big kid or alot of kids, might have to think about making it larger, it is almost too small for my 7 year old.

I would have liked my kids to be more excited about making it... but they are very tired after school - Anika didn't want to help, but they were more than happy to play in it once finished and are still in there this morning.

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