Friday, May 16, 2008

New Addition

I have added a new link list for craft ideas to do with children on the side bar... I will change it weekly or every few days when I come across new ideas to try. There are so many wonderful blogs out there - so many crafty mumma's - that I just have to share!

Yesterdays craft was ink trees using Autumn leaves from Full Circle . As it is Autumn here, we just had to do this craft - the problem in Australia? Our leaves don't fall off trees, and they don't change colour - well 80% of the trees anyway... there are a few non native trees around the place with leaves turning and falling off. We have a persimmon tree in the back yard which gave me the leaves for this craft.

The ink was supplied by a previous awesome Japanese girl YUKO - who lived with us over Christmas. She gave us a lovely present of Japanese Ink, brushes, paper, ink stone etc to do Japanese calligraphy with - well except that it is really hard and we don't know Japanese so almost impossible without her here, we used the ink to do these instead!

Crush the leaves

Blow ink (ours dried too fast,so we had to use a brush)

put glue around "branches"

sprinkle crushed leaves on

and there you have an autumn tree.

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