Friday, June 27, 2008

Want your kids to help around the house?


Found this idea at Let's Explore so check hers out as it is much cuter than mine. All you need is an empty Milo/baby formula/food item tin and paper.

But the basic idea is to create a sort of Lucky Dip of chores written on paper. Make them easy and achieveable chores or the children might lose interest. Apart from a day or two of having a rest my children have now done chores every day (even wanting to pick 2 or 3 chores each day) since I started this idea. Children especially enjoy chores that require a water spray bottle. We filled an almost empty window cleaner bottle with water - it still has a tint of blue so they think they are using the real stuff.

Some of the things I have used are

*Wipe Outside of fridge
*Wipe outside of oven
*Wipe windows
*Wipe bathroom mirror
*Wipe down fireplace mantle
*Wipe down TV

*Tidy DVD/Video area
*Sweep a room of choice
*pick up 5 things
*Take Garbage out
*Help with dinner
*Tidy craft desk
*Clean kitchen table and chairs

I am sure there is a novelty factor at play and the enthusiasium might wear off - that is why I dont't force them if they say they are tired, but the next day I say "Go grab a lucky dip chore" and they are off and at it again.

Had the idea trialled by a friend before I posted about it here - Jenny says it works a treat with her 3 sons!! so I know it is not just girls who will do it. Thanks for the feedback Jenny!!

Go luck and get those kids cleaning!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Idea. I love this. If the novelty does wear off, at least it was fun while it lasted. M


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