Monday, July 28, 2008

4 days left

to win this lovely christmas ornament!! Leave me a comment and you will be in the draw.

I will be ending on the last day of July with my last Christmas in July Post... I have had some lovely comments, so I hope you have all enjoyed it... Through this I have learnt that Christmas in July is obviously an Australian thing (or Southern Hemisphere?) as I had some great laughing comments from my American readers... people must think I am crazy...


  1. Did I leave a comment? I am so not sure. Here it is though. So cute.

  2. Yeah - i echo Jan, I think I would have, but if not ..... here I am!! Very very cute.

  3. WOW! thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog, and I am even happier that I see some familiar faces in here! I love your blog mainly because Mr. Incredible served his mission in Australia. We hope to travel there, some day. He served in Melbourne, and he was called spanish speaking and then ended up serving 9 months samoan speaking.

  4. Very cute. As is everything you do. m

  5. i'm fairly new to your blog, but I have been lurking a little bit.

    I would love to be entered into the drawing!

    thanks so much!!


talk talk talk... leave me some talk!