Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Art Journal

Another revolution is going on!! And I want to join!! Oh how much more can I fit in my life??? Blogging can be bad for your health I think - or is it good to fill my life with these activities.. I suppose I could give up Oprah to fit this one in...

Anyway check out Echoes a Collaborative Journal and their flickr group where anyone can add their entry Echoes Journal . Basically you draw in your art journal/notepad and add some writing to the entry. It is all about random day to day things with a little artistic flair thrown in. A daily journal of sorts.

Once upon a time I used to be good at art, getting good marks at for Art at highschool and doing a few paintings before I had kids..... BUT ..... it has been a long time since I have done anything. I have attempted a few times.. I say to myself...I have two hours on my own.. I have to make a painting.. but they never work out... WHY??? because you need to be slow, practice, meddle with different looks/approaches and basically I don't have time.. so no art from me... well that is about to change now... hopefully I will be able to do a few drawings each week... I am off to purchase a new art journal.

I have been musing on this for a while as my neighbour is an artist (but one that is a vet, is a single mum, runs, rockclimbs etc basically a 47 year old superwoman) and so far this year she has only done 3 paintings... she leaves up her easel and whenever she has a few spare moments works on her paintings... and I have been saying to her I want to get back into art... then this week I found the Echoes site... this is the push I need... inspiration comes in whispers ... I am blessed.

Here is mine for today - don't laugh... I haven't drawn in a long time! This is the view out my window, next to the computer where I always am :)

Inspiration from here
Starting an Art Journal
Make your own Art Journal
A sample art journal page
Nature Journals
Nature Journal
Tips on starting a Art Journal

Go get creative!


  1. You draw great. I love your view by the way. Great idea once again.

  2. A great idea for a project. Anything that inpires & motivates creativity is a wonderful thing. It is difficult to find the time to do the things we enjoy sometimes. I'd love to be able to devote more time to painting etc. I love your illustration! It's so sweet! Looking forward to seeing more from your art journal :)


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