Saturday, July 26, 2008

The fair... the fair...

As my husband was going with a friend to the movies, I wondered what the girls and I would do today... I rang my mother to see what my family were up to... then she says the primary school I went to as a child was holding their yearly fete today...

So that is what we did, went to the local fete (like a very small fair)and reminisced of my school days from 20 years ago..

One half of the fete

Choosing Fairy Floss (Cotton Candy) Apple and Watermelon flavours???

Waiting in line is never fun..

They loved the big slide, even if it made "their hearts beat fast"

Checking out the Wildlife

Checking out the police display, in the paddywagon - I hope this isn't an omen for the future ;)

A fete after 3 days of rain = Muddy Feet!!


  1. Looks like everyone faired the fair well. Except for the feet.

    How fun. Ours is next month. The girls looked really fun.

  2. This looks like a lot of fun - how did you finally choose the fairy floss flavor?

  3. well since there were alot of us... mum bought every flavour.... mmmmmm

  4. Love the feet. That is what my kids look like all the time. Glad you were able to go and have fun.M


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