Friday, July 25, 2008

Foody Friday

I was too lazy this week to photograph my food.... Sorry to anyone out there who cares...

So I will leave you with the one thing I made that was oh so Yummy... that I am making it again tonight.....

Choc Caramel Slice

1 cup plain flour, sifted
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
125g butter, melted

400g can sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons golden syrup
60g butter, melted

125g cooking chocolate, chopped

Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a 3cm deep, 28 x 18cm (base) lamington pan.
Combine all base ingredients in a bowl. Mix well. Press into prepared lamington pan. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until light golden. Remove from oven. Cool.
Make filling: Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, whisking, for 8 minutes or until golden. Pour over cooked base. Bake for 12 minutes or until firm. Cool completely. Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours, or until set.
Make topping: Melt chocolate in the microwave (carefully to not burn it)for 30 secs. Stir until melted. Pour over caramel. Refrigerate to set. Cut into squares to serve.

PS - That isnt my photo... I think if you want the caramel to be that thick - you would need double the amount of filling, because mine was thin... I am off to buy another condensed milk... yuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!


  1. That pictures looks reeeeally good. When I make caramel slice I usually add some icing sugar to the chocolate, just cos I don't like the hard stuff.

  2. You lazy, that is laughable. That is a great looking foody today.

  3. that is funny zan as you are meant to add copha to the top to make it soft.. but i didnt want to buy copha and i like it hard and crunchy...

  4. My caramel turned out all runny... what did i do wrong? we ended up eating it from the tray with spoons.


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