Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's SO EASY....

When I first started blogging I messed around with backgrounds from Pyzam... but it was too hard and I lost all my widgets (didn't even know I had any till I lost them ;) so I vowed to just leave the layout as it was... and never touch it again... until TODAY that is...

Zan told me about this awesome blog background site The Cutest Blog on the Block that promises not to lose any of your widgets or side bar or pictures AND it is really easy to do.

First make sure that your blog is in the MINIMA layout. You check this by going to Customize, Pick New Layout - This is as hard as it gets... luckily for me... It already was!!

Now scroll through the Free Backgrounds at The cutest Blog on the Block Use the side bar on the right to choose styles you like - Even though it says to sign up - YOU DON'T HAVE TO.. just click on a background you like and the code will be there anyways.

Click on background you like and you will see a code. Copy code.

You will be pasting the code on your blog - so go to blog and

Click customize - then add a page element

In the list there should be one that says HTML/JAVA SCRIPT click on it

Paste code in box and save

And TA DAAAAA - you have a beautiful background

Now you can change your background to suit your mood, holiday, or just as often as you change clothes.. I have already tested out about 5 today!

Once you have done it once, you master it and I can change my background in about 1 minute now (not including scrolling time looking for the perfect template =)


  1. Really cute Bobbie. Love it. It fits the look of your themes perfectly. Thanks for the share and the links.

  2. Bobbie, I nominated your blog for a Brillante award. When you get the chance, check out my blog for details.

  3. You are so awesome. I didn't imagine 8 months ago when I bought you the computer that you would become so clever at this. Maybe I need to employ you to do my website. :)

    The new Background gives you an extra link on the top left hand of the background. Small sacrifice though, for such a feature.

  4. So cute. Thanks for the info. You are the best. m

  5. I know how to get rid of the link to the other website!! :)

  6. Hi, I tried it and it worked. Thanks, I like your new look! M


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