Thursday, July 31, 2008

The last Christmas in July Post :(

So it is the last day of July.. and my last Christmas in July post... you won't hear anything more to do with Christmas from me.... until say.... November!! =)

I am ending with some organized Christmas Links
Organized Christmas
Awesome Holiday Planner Printable
Christmas Notebook
Christmas Planner

I know I could do with using these... It would make the holidays run smoother.... I need to keep a list of gifts I have to make or buy and tick them off as I go.

Have an enjoyable Christmas and if you start now.. it will be even more stress free.... Christmas is only 20ish weeks away!!! Oh I will never be ready in time ;)


  1. Thank you so much for this. I am getting ready now. In fact I get my parent's gifts all done, wrapped and I brought them with me. So they are now sitting in their Christmas closet! Done! YEEPEE! I need to go to bed. M

  2. I bet you will be ready!!!

    And if it takes more than 6 months to get ready, then that is just wrong!!!!

    Still remember your fantastic Enrichment presentation at our Christmas in July so long ago ... very memorable - you are fantastic!

  3. Thank you for the links! This will make life great!!!

    Hey, you had mentioned linking us all together for Sunday thoughts, how do we go about that????


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