Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Toddler Art Group

Today's art was Resist Painting. We used oil crayons to draw (kindly donated by my Sister-In-Law- thanks:)then watercolour paint over the top. This was more to use up the little bit of paint left in the bottles than anything else - Paint is expensive!

But either the kids weren't in the mood, or this paint isn't as exciting to them as most of the kids were done and finished in 15 mins. Maybe they were hungry as they spent the next half hour eating and playing in the yard.

Kids working hard

Finished Product

Little Houdini... I got rid of the esky full of water (for washing hands) because she always took off her clothes and hopped in. So I used a pot instead, and she STILL fitted her body in it!!

My work in my new Art diary


  1. Ahhhhh Gabby. She is artistically showing us the creative process of "Going Potty". Loved that. I would never have believed how often your girls go naked if it weren't for these blogs. i love it.

  2. hey bobbie, thanks for popping by my blog earlier and for the link back here. This is great, really interesting stuff. I am about to go on hols but will be great if we can share experiences/idea a bit more when I am back...in the meantime, take care and have fun with the kids!

  3. I am loving the art diary. Very pretty Bobbie.

  4. Love that she got in the pot - that is so so so funny! (and yes, now that PB M&Ms are more widely available we will reconsider moving back !!!!! =))


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