Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wah Wah Wah.... Our trip to the beach

... ended with a certain 2 year old screaming the whole way home... With a second birthday looming next week, someone has stolen my lovely one year old and replaced her with a tantrum throwing two year old...

so here are the nice parts of the day (minus the fights,tantrums, food messes, grumbles, parents holding their heads in pain, etc etc)

I love my Sister-in- Laws steps!!
The Girls love Pearl the Guinea Pig!!
It was a cloudy day at the beach
So we had fish and chips
The mum's tried to escape for a rest at a cafe
But the rain soon forced everyone to join us :(
It rained too hard to go to the beach so we went back to family's house
Then the rain stopped so we went back to the beach
Looking for shells and crabs
Getting Wet and Dirty
Until it rained again

and we headed off home


  1. My kids have dreams about going to the beach - I have to find the closest one here and take them, because we miss it so much!!

  2. How fun was that? So cute Bobbie. all the pictures just said pure happy times.

  3. I love these photos! The hands and the two girls having hot chocolate are my favorites! You have a good eye.

    We live for the beach! We are 7 hours away and it is too far, but this is where our life is and we are not going to move for a while. So we have to make the drive a few times a year. How far are you away from the beach? M


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