Saturday, August 30, 2008

River Fire

3000 tonnes of explosives from three bridges, six barges and nine rooftops all set for Queensland's biggest fireworks event culminating with the mighty F-111 Dump and Burn finale. QBE Riverfire makes a stunning impact over the city skyline as Brisbane's most anticipated annual celebration launches Riverfestival for another year
Click Riverfire Flickr group to see real professional pics - lots better than mine.

Had the usual family gathering pot luck and off to see the fireworks we love it! See you next year ;) oh how I love fireworks - I have about 100 pictures... most blurry.. but my fireworks setting on my camera is my best friend :)

The dump and burn... you could see it for ages


  1. That was some explosive goodness. I think you took some fab shots of it. Wow.

  2. Wow! Long live the Queen. We have been studying about you guys down under and have very much enjoyed it. Captain Cook and all.

    Have you ever been to Disneyland? That is where we go for the real deal on fire works.

    But this looks like Disneyland could learn something from them! Thanks for sharing. m

  3. Oh I missed the fireworks this year. Your shots are great though! Thanks for sharing them with those of us who missed seeing the 'real deal' :)


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