Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monsters of Every Kind

It is school holidays again (werent those winter ones just a few weeks ago??) I suppose technically it is Spring Break.. but it is just called September School Holidays here....

Day one of the holidays the girls made these Monster Stuffies featured on The Crafty Crow and inspired from a design on Etsy.com

Choosing Fabrics and comparing to Monsters on the screen

Sewing Together (aaaawwww warm fuzzies)

Stuffing the arms and legs

Finished Product - Aren't they CUTE!!

These are so easy to make... under two hours (little helpers time included!) 30 mins without little helpers!

And after Toddler Art Group today - I went to the bathroom and found this monster!! NO wonder they were quiet!


  1. The monsters they made are so cute! Is that good that the monsters are cute?

    Sewing with my girls is one of my favorite things to do.

  2. I absolutely love the monsters. I'm going to go through my materials right now to see what I can use to make them. I know these will go down well at our house.

  3. I love the monsters they are awesome, and Toffees! I havent had one of those in forever now I really want one.

  4. those ARE so cute!!! I love that you have a sewing machine and know how to use it and do use it!

  5. LOVE the monsters. Love that your girls are able to enjoy pretty girly things and monsters also. Good going mom. m


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