Monday, September 8, 2008

Soft Challenge - Unplug your kids

I had a busy and emotionally draining week (both my sister in law and the baby had complications during the birth and are both still in high care) so didn't get around to doing much. However we came up with something today that fits in with the Unplug Your Kids Challenge I ad thought of crafts either using feathers or cotton balls but this is what you get :)

On the weekend we had 2 of my nephews stay over - and if my girls see a spare mattress lying around this is what they like to do:

So this morning in their pj's I let them jump onto this "soft" landing - thus fulfilling our challenge for the week!!

This weeks Challenge: Sand


  1. I am so sorry about what your family is going through with those babies. I hope everything goes okay Bobbie. So hard.

    Your kids really are flying on that mattress. Wow. I am impressed.

  2. Looks like fun and perfect timing with the pictures! So sorry to hear about your sister-in-law and baby.

  3. Looks like lots of fun. I am sorry to hear about your sister in law and the baby. How are they now? Keep us posted. M

  4. We used to do exactly that when I was a kid! I loved it! I hope everything goes well with your family, I will keep them in my thoughts. (and ps, the grass may be greener in seattle, but the weather's much cloudier ;o) we can trade for a bit, if you'd like!)

  5. Hi Bobbie,
    I really hope Liz is ok. I wondered if something was up when there was no update on the birth. Any idea when they will be home? Any more details?
    xo Holly A.

  6. Hi Bobbie,
    I really hope Liz and Bub are ok. I wondered if something was up when there was no update on the birth. Any idea when they will be home? Any more details?
    xo Holly A.
    PS please send my love next time you see her.

  7. Those are some cool pictures of the kids in the air! It looks like fun.

    I'm sorry to hear about your sister in law and the baby.

  8. I hope that your sister and baby are ok. The crash landings are so much fun. Great pictures of them.


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