Friday, November 7, 2008

Fourth Day of Christmas

my true love gave to me..... Stockings for Goodies.

I got this idea from One Crafty Mumma and she has a pattern there you can print out. She also has a 25 days of Christmas Ideas that I have also borrowed ideas from.

But here is what I did to make the stockings

Using the pattern, I cut out the shapes from Felt (I made my stockings a little wider than the pattern - so I can fit more stuff in them :)

Now time to get the sewing machine out. Place ribbon in position and staight stitch on. Place photos in position and straight stitch on.

Add buttons, beads, whatever you would like to emblish with

Sew back piece on and a hook/hanging piece

Enjoy your cherubs :)

You can decorate these however you wish. Mine are plain as I didn't want to spend any money...I was trying to make them with whatever I had in my craft stash (which isn't much)

and the stockings were hung by the fireplace with great care... In the hopes that Christmas would soon be there!! (and I actually have a fireplace.. Yeeeeahhhh)


  1. Those are darling. Easy and very cute. I have never thought about smaller stockings too. What a concept to buying less because that is all that will fit. Very cute.

  2. How do you do this all?

    I love the small stockings. Less is more. m


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