Monday, November 10, 2008

Kitchen Challenge - Unplug Your kids

Last weeks theme at Unplug Your Kids was Kitchen

My first idea was to make Tissue Paper Bowls an idea I saw at Kids Craft Weekly (scroll down) You know, bowls for your kitchen.. I have wanted to try these out for a while...

then the end of the week came and went with a wedding, birthday parties, and I promptly forgot that is what I wanted to do..

so on Monday morning before school the girls did this:

I donated my last years Ikea Catalogue for the kitchen section to be cut up (we haven't received any junk mail going on over 6 months now.. so this was all I had)

6:30am craft session anyone?

Then this afternoon for Family Home Evening we made these:

It's meant to be a teddy in a float ring in the ocean with white wave break ;) but doesn't matter what it looks like.. it tasted good!


  1. What a fun tasty project for FHE. Will we be seeing those on the FHE Spot?

  2. That FHE treat looks extremely tasty and very fitting for the weather we're having. What did you use for the float, life saver thing?

  3. That teddy float looks super cute and yummy. Great Job.

  4. I love that looks so yummo!

    I've been working on the ornaments and Xmas pillowcases you posted. The kids are so excited about both the projects. Thanks for the idea!



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