Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ninth day of Christmas

my true love gave to me.. an Advent for counting...

You know I love me a good Advent Calendar... Do you remember my Christmas in July Advent Ideas Post? Click back there now to refresh your memory and find some cute ideas. I have a few advent calendars around the house but none of them made by the kids...

until Now!!

lay out 24 Coffee filters on some newspaper. I used size 2 filters. They open like a pocket

using droppers (we used straws) drop red and green food colouring on the filters

drip until you are happy with colours

write numbers on each filter with permanent marker

use mini pegs to attach to a string, tie raffia or ribbon between each filter and fill :)

This year we are filling the pockets with a family activity to be done each day. I may add some chocolate or lollies on random days so the kids don't expect it. On Monday night at Family Home Evening we brainstormed 24 ideas that could go in our pockets

Here are some of them

Make paper chains
Sleep Under the Christmas Tree
Give some treats to our neighbours
Make paper snowflakes
String Popcorn
Listen to the Christmas Story on CD
Set up the Christmas Tree
Make bon bons
Watch Christmas Movies
Go for a walk and find some Christmas lights
Watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional
Make and send Christmas Cards
Pine Cone Craft
Star Craft
Go and Visit the nativity at the Temple
Listen to Handels Messiah

Now is the time to get cracking on your Advent Calendar - you don't want to be caught out in two weeks time... December First comes along quickly


  1. That turned out so super Bobbie. I love how simple and fun. I might have to do this for Activity Days with the girls.

  2. Another good one! Who would have thought! Looks really good Bobbie - the girls will love filling it :)


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