Saturday, December 20, 2008

Activity Advent Review

These are the activities we did from our Advent Calendar for the week

Foam Nativity Kit

A visit to the City Tree

Sticker Gingerbread Cards
I got this kit 1/2 price ($1.99) while at the grocery store as it is so close to Christmas - It had 10 in it so we gave some to our neighbour to do aswell

Jingle Bell Sticks
I got this idea from Grandma's Modern day Trunk of Treasure I love her blog and want her to adopt me as a grandchild!! Basically thread a pipecleaner through a bell and wrap around a stick.. I got these tongue depressor size ones from Overflow.

Paper Chains

And all the things you already know about - Grandparents dinner, St Lucia day.. we have had a busy week :)


  1. Those paper chains are a lovely colour - another busy week! Hope you have a rest soon :)

  2. Fun week!

    Happy Holidays Bobbie! It looks like you've been enjoying the holiday season with your family~ Take care over there!~

  3. Oh thats right, I can make paper chains. Thanks for reminding me that I'm not completely craft challenged. I will start this with the boys today.

  4. Everything is so cute and so festive. You have really been on the advent beat. Great stuff.

  5. Great Fun. I love the Foam Nativity Kit. So cute.

    You have the best ideas. I want to make some Jingle Bells! Thanks for the idea. m


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