8:30PM local time, wherever you live on planet earth. Saturday 28 March 2009 www.earthhour.org
Earth hour originated in Sydney 3 years ago. We have participated for the last two years. The Kids love it.. any excuse to get out candles and walk around the house with them :)
We seem to be out on this date often, so we come home and don't turn on the lights and let the kids play a bit and go to sleep in candle light.
This time we come home and our German student is home with all the lights on. Miss K runs into the house
'You have to turn the lights off - Its for the earth'
student.... ' uh uh'
'It's very important - only once a year!'
So we have our fun with candles
about 15 mins into earth hour while she is in bed trying to fall asleep to the flickering candle light and trying to read a book in the dim light.. a quick heavy rain shower begins.
"The earth is crying happy tears because of earth hour" she says
(After a pretty bad 5-7 year drought any rain is appreciated around here)
'You give to the earth and it gives back'
I really don't know what environmental impact turing off all the lights has (though it is stated when cities turn off the empty office building lights etc for just 60 minutes A YEAR of electricty /carbon footprint is saved)
but I do know it made a difference to my kids and their outlook and that's all that matters
And who doesnt love a bit of candlelight??
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