Thursday, August 27, 2009

From Blah to Blessings

So I praise anyone out there who has a bunch of children.. its hard work.. especially in the early weeks of trying to get the baby into a routine and nut out feeding issues etc, whilst trying not to neglect the other children (cause OH they remind you about their neglect!)

So while I was having an emotional breakdown the last two days Blessings have come in bounteous ways!!

The MR was at meetings until late last night and had to work a double shift today (he hasnt be able to have any time off with this baby), we had a house inspection due (OH MY!)My mother is attending to funerals and the like, I have a urinary tract infection and needed to go to the doctor (I have never had one before, and Oh ladies who have, I feel for you - IT IS NOT NICE!)and our little miss G got poop on all on my Bed!! I am sure there were other things.. this list is not long enough for how overwhelmed I felt this morning.. probably naughty kids,every room a mess and feeling like I have no friends etc.

To say that I started the day crying is an understatement!! But God is merciful - YES He is!

The MR comforted me and asked if I was going to be ok.

My mum rang and I complained on the phone to her for an hour while I power cleaned from 7-8:30am (I think I clean better while I am on the phone!!)

I ignored the other children (i will try this more often - just tune it all out!!)

Miss K burped and held Miss N for me the whole time

A friend dropped by to give me homemade pumpkin bread, strawberries,and socks for Miss N (dont know where all the baby socks are but she has none) saw my condition and offered to take Miss G for the day while I go to the doctor (when I saw her car pull up I actually thought that the MR may have rung her to come over as he was questioning my emotional status - I was embarrassed as she is the bishops wife and has 3 small kids of her own - but turned out she was just randomly dropping by :)

The house inspection lady came and I was able to scare her off in 2 mins.. I was changing the babies poopy nappy, mentioning I was just headed off to the doctor and she was like, "oh I can see your busy, I won't keep you" - while I tried to distract her from the messy house with getting her to look at my cute baby !! Oh excuse the house, haven't done much, since I have a 3 WEEK OLD BABY!! Worked a treat and off she ran, happy with how we are keeping the house :)

Got my meds from the doctor!!

All my worries said and gone by 11:30am!!

I know the Lord sees our trials. Many times I have felt alone and it seemed like there was no help. But I know the Lord does help us, and sends us miracles from time to time.

Today felt like a miracle!!

And I shall sit here in peace and quiet alone counting my blessings - because 3 of them will be back home soon making noise.


  1. I feel for you and I'm sending the love your way!!!!!!! What a morning!! It will get better!!

    Love Carli xx.

  2. Oh I got goosebumps Bobbie... the Lord does know our needs and it's so nice when people offer help and you can see that they've listened and been inspired from above. 10pts to you for accepting help and getting a few quiet hours. I think that (accepting help) is often the hardest part. Love to you and all the best. XX

  3. You poor thing. Hope you are feeling better. We all have those kinds of days from time to time. These are the days you just have to accept help from family and friends. Remember I can help out with cleaning if you need it or hold bub while you clean or sleep. I am all for that.

  4. Sounds like its time to do some receiving after all your years of giving. You just need to ask first.....that's the hard part. Sending you all our most loving thoughts and understanding nods. I cry for you too. Can't wait to see you at the blessing and meet new quaddie.

  5. Tender mercies straight from heaven huh? If anyone deserves them you do!
    Way to palm of the real estate agent *wink*

  6. Wow. I was here thinking that everyone else is all perfect while I'm melting's nice to know I'm not the only one (not that I would wish it for anyone, but it's always good not to be alone) I love your outlook, and I'm gonna try to remember it next time I crash and burn! You've inspired me!


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