Monday, September 14, 2009

Photo Re-Enactments

Over the Weekend we got our hammock back out. This morning Miss K was adamently asking me to take a photo of them all. WHY? We need a new Peas in a Pod photo she says.

She remembers this photo from almost 3 years ago..

And Today...

I had remarked a few weeks ago about how much Miss G looks like ME in this photo..

so Today while in the mood.. Miss G posed..

*whoops didnt check which side before I took them! )

Must be on the mind after reading an article in National Geographic about a man whose Job it is to do family photo reenactments of famous people from years ago Drew (click on people , then descendants) He has done Dickens, Wordsworth, Napoleon, Cromwell using their great, great, great grandsons.


talk talk talk... leave me some talk!