This time last year I had morning sickness. Terrible morning sickness and pretty much missed out on the delight that is Christmas and my Birthday.
How can one commemorate the milestone that is 30 while feeling like death warmed up? So I didn't. I lazed on the couch and my family took me out for some wonderful Thai food.
And. That. Was. It.
Well I decided that this year, I was ready to admit it, ready to sink comfortably into saying
*phew, I said it*
Even though my body might be ageing.. I think my mind got left behind, for I am yet to Mature!
I accomplished a few things in my 20's.
I got married
I finished my degree
Had 4 kids
Went Overseas for the first time
Moved 5 times
So what shall I accomplish in my 30's?
Any suggestions?
Of course I would be remiss if I didn't mention the MR. We kinda share birthdays. The fact that he has also been with me, my entire 20's makes it even more special. I actually don't mind sharing birthdays with him. (I hope he doesnt mind either) We share everything else, it feels kinda special to have our birthdays together too.
We went shopping and to Vapiano for dinner, walked home in the twilight from the city, to an house devoid of the big girls (THANKS GRANDMA!) I was up early the next day with Miss N, but went back to bed and slept till 10am !! Unheard of!! That hasn't happened in 10 years either.
And to end the day I sat around on the deck eating chocolate pretending to comiserate with friends that I am now in my 30's... we ate and laughed till midnight.
And thats when the last minute of my 20's ended, and I was now officially
In my 30's.
Best wishes!
PS you make roller skating look attractive!
I have to laugh working in a Nursing home among those who have over a 100 years to their name. The ladies have reminded me that age has no barrier and not something to dwell on. But to get out and enjoy your youth and collect your life stories so you have something interesting to talk about when your youth betrays you.