Monday, January 25, 2010

Back to School Dinner

The Back to School Dinner went so well.

The girls were very behaved whilst we went shopping for all the food.

Miss A had a lovely chat with the chap in the florist where she purchased the fresh flowers from. She told him all about what the flowers were for. He was so kind and wrapped them up so beautifully for her. He even had a dog /bed/setup in there at the side of the pay counter! Dog got much love from the girls. They couldn't believe that there is a florist dog!

Table was set hours before dinner. I even let them use the Crystal glasses.
(I may have held my breath a few times, but glasses are still intact!)

Dresses were put on. Pearls were necessary apparently. Makeup applied.

Chosen Menu was:
Camembert with plum paste and crackers
Meat Pie and Wedges
Lindt Chocolates
Pink Lemonade

Chosen Theme was Choose The Right.

We spoke about how this could be applied at school. We talked of many situations.

Lastly for Family Home Evening each of the girls received A Fathers Blessing. (click - scroll down, second last entry.)

It was lovely. The most wonderful thing to see a Father bless each of his children. Even the baby had one. Thoughts of strength, friendship, love, understanding, ability, safety, and blessings were shared to them.

We are officially ready to start school


Now the florist dared to question if this was a party for me... you know.. .. wink wink....Back to school :D I was appalled... of course not!! I'm not excited at all ;)

I think The Mr liked coming home from work to a wife in an evening dress and pearls. Now that doesn't happen often enough!


  1. Looks like it was a fabulous night Bobbie....gorgeous table setting and topping it all off with a Fathers Blessing...I love the idea...I will have to file this one away! :)

  2. Ohh, this is so nice, lucky girls

  3. Looks like you guys had fun. I'll definitely keep this in mind!

  4. It is a lovely idea. An Excuse to get glamed up. Well done!


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