Thursday, February 4, 2010

5am Traditions

5am is special time. The sun peeking in the window. Just me and baby.

After a fast and furious drink (to make up for being a darl and sleeping all night - yes she is a PERFECT baby)

we have time to play before we start our day.

Don't grow little one.

I wish I could wake alone with each of the girls.They miss out. I am reminded of this when I realise how little time I spend with my eldest. But they too once were babies, who had 5am special time :)


  1. I love that my five am special time has moved to after six thirty With my three year old and my five year old's special time is right before bed books and cuddles and a million questions. Just as special in their own little way.

  2. oh my that is adorable~ love the pics and the thoughts this post gave me of the special baby time i had with each of them also. Enjoy :)

  3. that is really gorgeous! love the pics!

  4. thanks for bringing it all back . . .time to treasure that's for sure. lovely post.


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