Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spiral - Updated

The Unplug Your Kids Challenges have changed to Monthly. Surely I should be able to do monthly? This months theme is Spiral.

A few things came to mind - spiral snakes, spirograph doodling, and spiral pasta.

We did none of those, instead I remembered about some felt roses I made into a ball last year and we made some of those. Get some awesome instructions from Betz White which is where I got the idea from.

Basically you need a circle of felt. I made mine about 10cm diameter. Cut a spiral into the circle. Starting from the edge, roll felt. Keep rolling until you get the then end circle. I hot glue gunned mine together. You can use the end circle as sort of a cover over the spiral to keep it all together.

I attached one to a bobby pin for a hair accessory. We also made some cuffs. I attached one rose (by glue gun) to a strip of fabric. The cuff is fastened by a button we sewed on.

Some Spirally goodness. I like these so much I might make some more. Maybe 3 little roses on a hair clip?

*** The girls have been wearing theirs to school and everywhere (girl power type ben 10 watches?) and now I have kids in the school yard coming up to me asking if I would make them some! I have to go buy some more felt and buttons....


  1. Great roses! I love how you made them into other things (hair accessories and what-not).

  2. I love these! they are so cute! now I just have to somehow get my daughter to leave her hair up so she can wear them :) great idea!!!

  3. That is super cute. I think my girls would love making those!

  4. Cutey cutey cute! Thanks for the great idea.


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