Friday, March 19, 2010

You + Me = US

On harmony day you wear orange. This is our collection of the few orange things we own. A bit of peach, tangerine, pumpkin shades perhaps? We were styling it on our way to school today.

On Harmony Day the school has huge flags from every country fluttering around the school, several displays from around the world (Tae Kwon Do, Irish Dancing, Pacific Islander Dancing etc) and they share food together from each others countries. There are over 25 nationalities in my girls small school of only 240 kids. I love that it is so diverse.

The world needs diversity. And we need eachother.

Happy Harmony Day on March 21

Go here for Harmony Day Website

The Mr has a rather deep and delightful post at his blog today. I think it almost applies to this topic too. We could all do with fewer doors in our lives.

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