Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life's Questions

One of the greatest mysteries known to man has been answered. The question on the girls lips is..

Did our Daddy ever have hair?

What a handsome young boy!

Whilst visiting Grandparents for Mothers day we went through Daddy's photo albums.

 He did infact once have hair. Just none of us knew him then.

 Glad you all feel better now.

And funnily enough Miss N looks exactly like him as a baby.
And here I was thinking they all look like me.


  1. Just yesterday I was looking at your pictures thinking that all of your girls look like you with the exception of Miss N. I definitely see the resemblance between the MR and Miss N, and can even see some of him in the girls too.

    Just amazing what a DNA mesh can produce :-)

  2. I have to say I think Miss N favours hubby and the other girls you! Was fun to see that photo. I knew hubby when he served his mission here and I was 16 and he still looks the same today. He may have lost his hair early but does he age??

  3. I seriously did not recognise the Mr. when he returned from his mission. He had a beautiful head of hair when he left. The extra soft kind. Not the nicest thing to deal with. I am sure he is seriously laughing on the inside when he sees my 3 yr olds hair. Just like his. Yes I do fear that one of my boys will most definately go the same way. I just hope he gets to his late 30's before it happens.


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