Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happiness Essay

Tulips make me happy.

I've been featured!

Go over here to My Online Life to check me out!

Lovely Miss Ami asked if I would do a guest post on Happiness at her blog!

*squee* I squealed like a school girl!

You should check out her past posts. Ami is one funky girl! who has an afro to match!

Who else would set up a tent complete with fairy lights in her apartment for date night? Who else would love a flicka group called "Granny Chic?" Who was once a Best and Less Model as a child? Who loves to SLEEP! Who sneeks into universities when she isnt a student there. Who shaved her head a whiles ago.

What makes you happy? I'm thinking I might do some features here.
 Anyone want to be on my blog?

go and say hi to ami! now!

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