Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunrise on Queens Birthday

Spur of the moment trip to see the sunrise this morning.

I love long weekends! Thanks to the queen for letting us have a day off.

I remember doing things in the early dark as a kid. It is so fun to get up in the dark and go off on adventures. It has been a while since our kids have and they were so excited when we plucked them out of their beds and straight into the car at 5am this morning.

We drove 40 mins to the seaside and got comfortable to watch the sunrise. It was cold, but not too bad. A little cloudy so the excitement of the sunrise was a little delayed.

A quick stop for breakfast at Grandparents house made it even better.

My Contemplating Man

Some people didn't get out of their sleeping bag the whole time

Love these trees.

I think this is the third sunrise I have watched this year. I have made it a personal goal to see more sunsets, but sunrise is just as nice, if not more peaceful. As our house is at the bottom of a small hill, and in inner city squish, when inside you cannot see the sky or sunset. Often I go out just as a beautiful sunset is finished and I get mad at myself for not stopping to take time to enjoy the beautiful sunsets in my area.

So no matter how tired I am now, I'm glad I got up early.

1 comment:

  1. I used to love going down to the point, that very point where you saw the sunrise, to contemplate life....I still do when I come home.


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