Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flag Bunting

Now I am so up with trends that I am usually two years behind :)

You can find bunting tutorials everywhere on the internet, but since I took photos while I made these ones for my niece's birthday, I thought I would share.

Flag Bunting

Whatever combinations of colours you want.
I used 5 this time. 1/2 metre of each should be sufficient.

Bias Binding. You can buy it or make your own.

I made a triangular template out of cardboard. Use this and some rotary cutters to cut triangles out of fabric. Fold fabric in half (right sides out) so you get 2 layers with each triangle.

Cut and Cut and Cut until you have a pile of triangles.

Sew triangles together down the V - leave the top open - unstitched. So stitch down the triangle like this - V

Now get your bias binding. You can buy it but it is cheaper to make. This is how I made mine.

Cut a long strip of material 5cm wide. I sewed two strips together to form one long strip.

With wrong side facing up, fold each side in to the middle. Iron flat.

And now you have bias binding!

Fold Bias binding in half (right side facing up) and sew along edge. after about 10-20cm place a triangle in the middle of the binding. Sew along the bias binding edge catching the triangle as you go. Slowly add more triangles meeting the tip of the previous one.

Continue on and on until you reach the end.

You now have some bunting!

I ended up making 4 strands and two name embroidered ones. If you want to put letters on, you need to applique the letters on BEFORE you sew down the V, then contiue on as above. I put letters of the the girls names on, but now I would like to do one that says happy birthday!
No need to buy streamers or signs again!


  1. I couldn't host a party with you at it without the essential bunting. So I rustled up an identical version....finally. All your blogging finally rubbed off on me.

  2. i make lots of bunting at our place. tons of the stuff! I love that the shapes are simple but the effect is 'wow'. I hang it in my childrens rooms, everyday is a celebration :-)

  3. This is adorable. I don't have a sewing machine and I think this would take too long to sew by hand! May have to ask for a sewing machine for Christmas this year!!


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