Monday, August 9, 2010

I'll remember

Phew! That was hard work (24 hrs old)
Photo Credit: Zanabelle Photography

Part Two: What I tried to forget all day.

At 1:02pm today I'll remember. I'll remember the little one placed in my arms.

I'll remember that even though I thought she would come that day (I woke up feeling funny, but no pain)

I'll remember that I dropped her sisters to school.

Then I went to the drs for my 40 week check up.

I'll remember telling him that I 'felt funny' but no contractions or the like yet.

I'll remember an hour later contractions started

I'll remember I was all alone (I sent the MR to work even though I knew)

I'll remember that the contractions weren't so bad, so I didnt tell anyone to come quick.

I'll remember that that soon changed and they got worse quickly.

I'll remember that The Mr caught a cab home and my mum drove from a party

I'll remember that there were no beds in the inn (ie hospital)

I'll remember being alone with the MR when my waters broke and he went off to 'find a nurse'

I'll remember that they quickly found us a birthing suite when I said I had to push

I'll remember that the midwives introduced themselves to me AFTER I had a baby

I'll remember that I delivered a baby 2 mins after stepping into a birthing suite

I'll remember that baby number four only took an hour or so.

And for THAT I am grateful! Kindest baby I've had so far!
Which is WHY I don't mind remembering this one.

Gah! They grow too quick.

And I'll Remember that over time the pain is long forgotten!

1 comment:

  1. What a special story. This is just the sort of story every expectant mum needs to hear. Three cheers for the beautiful birthing story.


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