Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Code Talk

So I'm pretty proud of myself.

I've been wanting to make a blog button for this blog for ages.

I used this tutorial.

I was putting it off because I didn't have photobucket account.

Yesterday I thought, I am going to SIT HERE until it is done.

So half a day later. I present. My blog button  (see side bar)

Now I know how to do them I can whip one up in minutes. However at first I had four fails.

When The Mr came home I was so excited.


I made a blog button using CODE!!

He laughed at me because that's what he does for work every day.

I told him he better watch out or I'll be doing his job soon.

Not likely.

Anyway. Now I know you all desperately want to add this button to your blog, don't you?

Look to the right column. There it is. Copy and Paste the code below it onto your blog under Design then,  Add an element,  then  Html/java script. It's easy.

You know one day when I am a famous blogger... you can say I was one of her first readers :)

Now I wasted time learning how, anyone want me to make one for their blog???

1 comment:

  1. Me Me Me!!! I'll have one!! Good job! Coding does my head in some times!!


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