Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Week

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing

I am guest blogging over at Chocolate on my Cranium this month for the celebration of the 15th anniversary of The Proclamation of the Family. You'll find me over there on September 9.

In celebration that someone wanted me to guest blog (!!) I decided that I wanted to devote a week to blog posts about The Family. I also thought that I wanted to have some guest bloggers over here on my blog too. When I sat and thought about a few of my friends, I realised that I have many friends whose family are different to mine.  A family is what you have right now, right in front of you.

So I've asked a few of my friends to blog about their family. Their version of what family is to them. Their version of what they face. Families come in all shapes and sizes.

And that's what makes Family so wonderful.

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