Thursday, October 28, 2010

Annual First Mango of the Season.

K peeled hers as a whole 'ball' and I think this was N's first mango..... she mooshed it to death.

Its become annual right? Third year running now.  See Here,  and here 
A 'first mango of the season' after school Mango Party.

I got a tray of mangoes yesterday for $14.

I took the squishy ones and made sorbet/granita

We ate a bunch afterschool, took lots of photos, and the sweet sticky girls ended with a bath.

Don't they say that's how you eat a  mango? In the bath?

And as I type this they are eating Mangoes for breakfast and the sorbet too!

We will try and save one for you Mr. (good luck though. I highly doubt there will be any left.)

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