Thursday, November 11, 2010

to engage

It's so sweet to remember ones engagement day.

We are lucky we have Remembrance day to remind us to remember it.

Well one of my engagements. There's the real one. And the official one with ring.
I pick and choose which one I celebrate.

Tonight we were lucky enough to go to our hill.  A pizza picnic with the girls.

A asked where was the exact spot Daddy got down on one knee. So cute.

Then they spent the rest of the time running fast down the steep hill.

My dear sweet Mr who I stole with my wiley ways as a young 19 year old girl.

He didn't stand a chance xx

We lay in bed late last night reminiscing ye old days. I teased him for asking to marry me so soon. (2weeks) Teased him for being so impulsive. But then I said that is you. In life he spends so much time researching, when he finds what he wants he gets it immediately. He likes to tell me that he spent a year waiting around for me to be rid of other boyfriends, biding his time. Then once he got me he was never letting go.


  1. Awwww....Yay! You guys are awesome! Happy engagement day!! x

  2. Loved this post! So fun to remember the 'courting' days way back when.

  3. Ohh, That made me have tears in my eyes, how lovely lol


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