Friday, December 31, 2010


I feel like Christmas was so long ago I wasn't even going to post this!

Funny how being home and doing nothing seems to make time go fast!

Christmas Eve Tradition of new PJ's for everyone.

Christmas Morning Tradition of Toblerone Dip with Fruits (mangoes a must)

Present Chaos after breakfast

Whose bright idea was it to buy a box of instruments? ummmthatwouldbeme..

Oh dear. Someone finally worked out that there is chocolate inside those Chocolate Coins

We had a very relaxing Christmas with three!! Get togethers with my side of the family.
I think we saw enough of each other over the holidays!

I just want to show you the presents the girls made each other. Usually we let them buy a small gift for eachother, but this year I thought they could make their own presents from stuff we have around the house.

 Iphones and Scotty Dogs and Pet Rocks

The Iphones were some plastic from a gift box cut into rectangle shape. I made a little 'pillowcase' and slipped the plastic inside and then sewed it shut. We sewed around it through the plastic and all. Then we sewed on a peice of white felt and glued a button on. We then used fabric markers to draw our designs. G loves Cupcake maker game on the Iphone so A wanted to draw a cupcake on hers.

The scotty Dog pattern came from All Sorts . We didnt make ours 3D. Just a 2D flat type version.

G made the most adorable pet rocks by glueing googly eyes on different shaped small rocks we collected. We seriously had one that looked like a frog, an owl, a sheep, a monster just depending on the shape of the rock and where you put the eyes. She was very excited to hand them out.

And I must have been a good girl this year because

My own personal santa claus bought me tickets to see Wicked and a stay in 5 star hotel xx

or he's a really smart man because he gave me these for Christmas yet they happen strategically between our birthdays and wedding anniversary which are both coming up soon ;) One stone, 3 birds?
He's a thinker I tell ya.

Hope you all had a wonderful christmas and are now looking forward to the new year.

We have excitedly, last minutely been making signs, pinata's and things for a kids party were going to host tonight for New Year's. So much fun. And so much cleaning to do I best be off.

See you next year!!!

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