Monday, December 27, 2010

What you can do for me.

waiting for you all

Wanna give me a Christmas present?

Of course you do.

I've entertained you all year long no?

I would love for you to become a follower of my blog

or recommend my blog to your friends and family.

Put me on the sidebar of your blog.

Add my little button over there

Link to me on your facebook.

Have favourite posts of mine?  Link to the labels over the side there -- >

Mama Musings make you nod your head in agreement or shake your fist?
Foody Friday tickle your taste buds?
Enjoy our family traditions and Celebrations ?

I'm under no delusions that this is the greatest blog out there, not by a long shot.

But I really enjoy doing it. 

And I'd really enjoy more readers, more comments

'Cause then we can get this party started.

It's a new year. I've got lots planned for you all.

Share the love.

1 comment:

talk talk talk... leave me some talk!