Friday, January 7, 2011

From the Archives Friday

I've been doing this blogging thing for three years now! wow 

I don't very often read through past posts and I forget about what I wrote about. When I do I get a bit of a chuckle. So this year on Fridays I'm going to share From the Archives Friday. I'm sure as we go we'll uncover some craziness and  it'll give a recap for any new readers here.

The No Junk Mail Sign A made has finally fallen off and gone. I've been getting junk mail again for about two months now and while at first I loved it again, I'm  remembering how good it was NOT TO GET IT.

So maybe a resolution for this week is to make another one.
If I'm going Simple this year ~ I DON'T NEED IT.

Heres the original post. The post is from February 2008 ~  No Junk Mail Here


In a bid to support my daughter I am currently going -

- without junk mail!

Yes, hard I know! I LOVE JUNKMAIL.

A decided that too many trees are wasted in making junk mail, and that we needed a NO JUNK MAIL sign. Daddy and her made this a project and produced, printed and laminated their own homemade sign.

Now I have previously thought about doing this (after I watched a Greeny episode of Oprah that told of all the waste junk mail produces) but there were just a few catalogues I didn't want to give up! Being in the city we receive a LOT of junk mail... sometimes I wish I could make a sign that says " NO Junk Mail { except for X and X and X } I don't really need the cars guide, 2 of the local magazine wannabees, liquor mart, most restaurants, massage, hair, 2 men and a truck removalists, etc etc but I want the Target, Big W, KMart and Myer....

So we have been junk mail free for 3 weeks now... and I can say .... IT feels GREAT!

Nothing to throw in the bin (and with all this rain, most of the junk mail is a sopping mess) nothing to think about buying and I don't know that I am missing any great sales! And A feels good every day she checks the box and says YES! No junk mail!

Here are some guilty facts for you all!!

(excuse that they are American, I'm sure Australia has the same issues)

*Each year, 100 million trees are used to produce junk mail

*250,000 homes could be heated with one day's supply of junk mail

*Americans receive 4 million tons of junk mail every year - equivalent of deforesting the entire Rocky Mountain National Park every four months

*Americans pay $370 million annually to dispose of junk mail that doesn’t get reycled

*Americans throw away 44% of bulk mail unopened, yet still spend 8 months per lifetime opening junk mail

*The book 50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth listed stopping unwanted junk mail as its number 2 recommendation.

*out of 5.6 million tons of mailings generated each year, 4.3 million are thrown in the garbage; 340,000 garbage trucks are needed to haul away all the junk mail that doesn't quite make it to the recycling bin.


  1. Bobbie, Bobbie, Bobbie!!! How on earth do you get the most out of your grocery budget if you don't get the catalogues?!?!? For example, this week Coles (which I don't go to every week) has Weet-Bix on special and we need to stock up our storage of cereal so I'm headed there to do my weekly shop this week because there are a few other great specials too!
    Whether we receive them in our letterbox or not, the manufacturers still make the same amount so I figure as long as we are recycling them then the environment is no better off for us refusing the junk mail in our letterbox. Someone else just throws them out somewhere else!
    My last reason for not putting that sign back up is the pure pleasure that reading junk mail brings! We just love it. Afternoon naps in bed with junk mail is great! Elliot and I fight over it!!!!

  2. honestly? I think I do spend less by not have junk mail. plus you waste time and petrol going to different stores and sales are to suck you in then you end up buying other stuff there anyway (well I do) All grocery stores have the same sales eventually. wheat bix will be on sale eventually at woolworths if not this week. I shop everyweek at the same store and just look at whats on sale when I'm there.

    Like I went to big W for the $2 school polo shirts (that I saw in the junk mail) the other day and ended up spending $100 (the stuff was needed but still) on the normal priced pleated school skirts etc, school shoes, lunch boxes... so much for the I'll buy just a few $2 shirts and the $4 shorts....


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