Monday, February 21, 2011

Mermaid Status Reached

Well I think I made it!      reminder here....

I badly need a haircut. Too many split ends creeping up.

And I totally look too much like my mother in this photo :D

I believe this might be the year of the haircut.

My plan is to have a cut around every two months
( I know I know.. thats normal for some people, but I get  a hair cut once a year or every two years)

The plan is to  get shorter and shorter each time.

Can you recommend some do's/cuts/styles for my journey to short?

I'm digging this chicks hair. And boy do I wish I could sing like her!

and I also love her sleek styles  here and here. If only I had some cool bohemian vibe about me.

Here's to hair  and the loosing of it.


  1. Thanks so much for the video of Pomplamoose. They are fantastic!!!
    Just had to buy all their songs from itunes this afternoon.

    As for you are going to try for multiple hair cuts try what Liz did after our wedding (which she had grown her hair long for). She went to a Rachel, then a Victoria Beccom, then a bob, then a short cut. (Each of these is slightly shorter than the last for those people not as girly as me :)

  2. Thanks for the video post....soooo good!! for the hair, I think get some layers put in and enjoy the length for a bit! I agree about going short gradually...something I NEVER do btw and always freak myself out....haha

  3. Chad says you should get the same hair cut as Ken!

  4. What is wrong with looking like your mother, she is georgous! I think you long hair looks good, very feminine.


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