Friday, February 25, 2011

No longer a pioneer woman virgin - Foody Friday


would you like a pumpkin? These street urchins are selling them.

The last couple of week have been all about food! I'm in love.

Well I have a love hate relationship with cooking.

I like to do it. I don't like the price of food. Hence I can rarely afford to cook/bake what I want.
I love to do it. I don't like to clean up afterwards. Hence I come and go with cooking.
(except for dinners. I cook dinner every single night of the week.)

This morning The Mr picked the first ready pumpkin from our garden. I'm making pumpkin soup as I type this. I hope it tastes good. Well atleast we know it is FRESH and has no pesticides on it.

I am also developing an addiction to photographing food. The kids are frightened to touch any food until after I photograph it :) 'Don't touch that. I havent taken a photo yet' is often heard to come out my mouth.

This week was also my first time finally making a recipe from Pioneer Woman . You know her? I love her blog too. I want to visit her ranch and eat solid country food all day long (made by someone other than me ofcourse!) Her photos and reciepes look devine. I was excited to finally make something of hers. Cinnamon Rolls and oh how I want to make this sandwhich

 cinnamon rolls before icing.....we ate them too quick for an after photo.

My recipes have also been based on our twice a month Wholesale Market run.

Nothing like finding ways to use up 20 lemons. Recipe here

Or plums so sour beyond belief I didn't think we could do anything with them. Recipe Here

Or ways to use up avocado and carrots (stealthy like ;) Recipe Here

Thanks for another great week. Have a wonderful food induced weekend xx

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