Wednesday, February 2, 2011

X 12

The girls found this photo of us and placed it in our ensuite.  I smile everytime I look at it.

Our Wedding Anniversary is this week. (so expect a lot of gag inducing posts)

Can I hope for some silk, linen or pearl ? ( The Traditional and Modern gifts for your 12th anniversary)
Though if we did that sort of thing (which we don't really) what the heck would I buy him??

A true story:

I was telling a group "Why do people say the first year of marriage is hard? I loved it. Was Easy. Breezy." 

Until the Mr pipes up with

For you perhaps

Ba Da Bing Ba Da Boom


To be fair he only said that once. Several years after we were married .. and I think he was joking... I think....

I was talking to a friend last week who also  married young to a man older than her. I said our poor husbands. What were they thinking? Taking immature delicate things like us and making us wives! Crazy. Did they really know what they were getting into?

(maybe its a reflection on their mental status ;)

But now 12 years later I'm still an immature delicate thing so maybe he was right in his thinking.

He must have loved me.

And I think he has come to love me more as time goes by. 

X 12 atleast.

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