A few minutes peace on the swings
A School Disco and friends baptism friday night, A cousins 30th, family movie night, Earth Hour and friends over on Saturday. A talk to give in church (me, on integrity; a baby dragged out of church by my visiting teacher with her arms outstretched screaming for me during it, the baby not the visiting teacher ;) Our sunday afternoon tradition of a cake baked by Miss K and a trip to the park to fly our kite on such a windy day. A sick baby with a slight temp to top it all off.
having fun on Grandad's baby :)
I swear I need a daily calendar. Not days before Earth Hour , I decided on a candlelight dinner, some nice conversation, perhaps a game of charades or so and maybe even do our 'first fireplace of the season' We were going to start early as 8:30 is a bit late for little ones.
Umm then I forgot.
After watching The last Airbender and 20 mins before Earth hour while on facebook several friends mentioned it. Dang!. Lucky a couple of my kids were still awake so we were still able to do it. We've done it every year and the kids always love it. I allow candles (safely) in their room and they drift off to sleep in the soft twinkling glow.
We also had friends who rang and invited themselves over. They bought cake! Don't you just love friends like that? I love being spontainous so I eeeked with joy that someone rang and said they'd be over in half an hour. We sat for hours in the dim light of our lounge room lit by candles and talked. There you go earth hour. We lasted more like 5 hours! Hopefully it makes a difference and if it doesn't persay impact the environment hopefully the awareness it creates will.
A day after watching the Last Airbender the girls madly wanted a staff/stick like Ang's with kite/wings. They spent an hour or so working on their design and cutting kite shapes out from the middle of pieces of material :S Sadly they deemed it a 'waste of an afternoon' and much frustration ensued when they could not get their polar fleece material to stay on the slippery broom handle in the manner they would like.
However as it was a windy afternoon they realised they could just get out their real kite. So with much screaming at eachother and bossing around we had a wonderful afternoon at the park flying their kite. I swear we are lucky we don't get kicked out of the park. I told them several times to 'can it' as people come to the park for quiet relaxation, not to hear the way they scream at eachother for communication. Once the pecking order is in place and they have worked out their issues though it can be blissful .... for a little while at least.
If I ever run into someone who hasnt seen me in a few years they always ask if Miss N is Miss G. Everyone thinks they are twins born 3 years apart ;) I think they look different, but I can see the similarities.
And they are both cheeky
As much noise as they make and as much fights they have (oh boy do they love to lose their patience with each other) there is love, as I like to remind them, I have this many kids so you can love eachother and never be alone.
And the weekends remind me how much I love Mondays....
Is Earth hour and Australian thing? What is it?
ReplyDeleteNothing like a " I love you" lick. Happens at our place too