Saturday, April 30, 2011

Simplicity Update

Can you believe its the end of the month again already?!

I swear I only blogged about this like last week.

Well it's that time again to hold myself accountable for what I did towards my goal of simplicity.


However as I type this I am utterly exhausted and my back is killing me.

Why? Because I cleansed out several cupboards today and rearranged the girls bedroom.

The mess under their pushed together beds was horrendous.

Why in the process of cleaning is such a mess made? I swear my entire house was covered with stuff today. There was not a clean room, floor or surface. Those small cupboards are deceiving. Deep cleaning makes such a mess for you to clean up after yourself. I've been going all day and it's still not all done (no time for the regular chores)

But 3 bags of stuff to be donated and two boxes of rubbish later things feel so much better. And might make it possible for us to start hosting international students again. It just means everything in the Study/Nursery/craft room must find another place to live. A big task for this small house.

But it is definately a way to simplify this house!

About the only other goal I accomplished this month was the one of working on making our own bread by scratch, by hand.

And how did I accomplish that? Got the Mr to do it of course!

He's made several loaves this month with the girls. YUMMY!

We've been using these step by step instructions  at Down to Earth and found them quite helpful.

I did resource the instructions and ingredients and did help out a little, so I'm totally claiming it.

But thanks to The Mr for his desire to help provide homemade bread.

And I thought I would link to this post on Simplicity over at The Mr's Blog.
Very Insightful response to my goal for the year. Who knew he could write so well?

I must remember 'the pause'


  1. I love making bread but I don't do it often enough! - Dad used to win prizes for his bread at church activities when we were kids...he must be a champion kneader or something. :) I read the bread making link, and I really like the idea of rolling the loaf in seeds etc instead of putting it in the dough. We have a bread maker, but kneading is fun!

  2. When I make bread, I make my full recipe, which makes 4 loaves. When the loaves have cooled, I slice them, put them in plastic bags, and freeze them. That way I don't have to make bread as often. :) I have also recently discovered these 2 recipes which are very easy and so delicious. Sorry, they are in American measurements/temperatures.

  3. Hi Bobbie,
    thanks for the inspiration, we had no food (well noting attractive) in the pantry, so looked like leftovers for dinner, but we made a loaf of bread, and it made the boring into awe inspiring. We'll definately try it again!


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