Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Red carpet Simplicity

You may notice the cushions have finally come down after three months on top of the bookshelf.
Kids are treatly them kindly so far...

I can't believe I'm going to say it again....

someone stop the year moving please!



I honestly can't believe it. I swear I was typing that sentence from last month only a few days ago!!

But perhaps, as I have done nothing, it truly has been a month of simplicity??
(hey I'll try anything to justify ;)

I have one example for this month. And while I'm sad it required the purchasing of something (I am trying really hard to limit my purchasing - I have not bought anything (but those boots) since Christmas!! yay me!!

But this example showed me to have joy in small things.

While the girls were at school I went with my mum and we got a rug from Ikea.  G made her sisters close their eyes before they walked in. The look of joy on their faces when they saw that we would have ONE piece of carpet in the whole house was so heartwarming.

They literally squealed with delight, pulled off their shoes and rolled around on the carpet. They rubbed their cheeks along it, talking about how soft and warm it was. How this will make prayer time so much more comfy on the knees. How lovely it will be to lie there in front of the tv. These girls delight in the simplist of things. They could just not believe it!

I think I almost cried.

I love how in this cold weather it has bought us together a little.
Games of Uno, reading of books, wrestling, playing on this 1mx2m piece of Red Joy.

One other area I'm am trying hard to simplify in is - walking to school. It becomes so easy to jump in the car to drop the kids off on my way to another errand, why walk? I have only two days where I am not off somewhere else, so I am trying to be vigilant to make sure we ATLEAST walk or bike on those two days. I hope to increase it, but reality is if I'm off grocery shopping or mothers group why walk then come home and just hop back in the car.  Because it's better for us, better for the environment, and mostly to use less petrol and save us some money! I must keep reminding myself that it is very important.

Due to some budget constraints I have fallen off the wagon with inviting people over to eat at our house. I am planning to change that this month. I'm starting off with a bang by having over ALL the youth from church on the FIRST day of the month tomorrow by having a fireplace with marshmallows and milo for all. Hopefully I'll be able to follow through with having over a growing list of people I've been meaning to have over... even if all I have to share is some pumpkin soup.

Well only half the year is gone. I've still got 6 months to keep on my simplicity mantra.
I'll keep telling myself that anyway.. plenty of time ... right?????


  1. I too love our 2m square rug in the lounge room - it's amazing what a difference it makes. It feels like we actually have a proper lounge room, feels so nice under foot when watching tv and it's nice to sit on to play together.
    And good on you for such a great new year's resolution! It's something lots of people could benefit from. We were recently challenged in yw to keep the main thing the main thing. Sometimes as women we like to get right into all the decorative bits and pieces and make things a big production when really, keeping it simpler is often BEST!

  2. Looks like we'll be guests number 2 in June. What would you like us to bring on Thursday?

    Miguel Zuniga


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